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Photographer | Producer | Writer


Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Aloha, Shalom, Ahalan, Namaste, Salve, Ni hao, Hola, Merhaba, Sawubona. Isn't the internet a wonderful place; I was looking for an inclusive way to start my web presence so I googled 'Hello'. Although in future I am hoping to get out more.


                                                                    BBC New Broadcasting House


On this site you will find some photos I’ve taken and videos I’ve made and, if you are reading this, some words that I’ve written. I do a bunch of things: photography, journalism, magazine editing, writing, make television and radio programmes, training.

I also launch things – I’ve launched radio shows, TV programmes and magazines - I’m working up to ships.

No, I'm not entirely sure how all that happened either.

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